
  • Лавріненко В.І. Інститут надтвердих матеріалів ім. В.М. Бакуля НАН України, м. Київ, Україна https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2098-7992
  • Солод В.Ю. Дніпровський державний технічний університет, м. Кам'янське, Україна https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7516-9535
  • Ільницька Г.Д. Інститут надтвердих матеріалів ім. В.М. Бакуля НАН України, м. Київ, Україна https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5124-1646
  • Смоквина В.В. Інститут надтвердих матеріалів ім. В.М. Бакуля НАН України, м. Київ, Україна https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4181-7274
  • Кашинський І.С. Дніпровський державний технічний університет, м. Кам'янське, Україна https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9849-486X



Ключові слова:

тепловий вплив, алмаз, вуглецеві матеріали, тверді сплави, кераміка, металічне покриття, нітридне покриття, еволюція покриття, поверхневий шар


Тепловий вплив на поверхневий шар інструментальних матеріалів є одним з чинників зміни його властивостей та експлуатаційних характеристик. Через це дослідники приділяють особливу увагу у напрямку зміни спрямованості такого впливу для його зменшення (негативний вплив) і подальшого досягнення позитивних ефектів. В даному огляді приділяється увага найновішим сучасним роз­робкам (2023 року), в особливостях теплового впливу на вуглецеві матеріали, алмаз, сталі. Показані дослідження в напрямку спрямованої зміни поверхні алмазів: отримання поверхні ОН-алмазів та Н-алмазів, легування алмазу, та зміні контакту поверхні алмазу з Fe та W. Особлива увага приділена нанесенню різних захисних покриттів на поверхню алмазів та супутніх інструментальних матеріалів (сталей, керамік та твердих сплавів). Найбільша увага при цьому приділяється металевим та нітрид­ним покриттям, тобто цей напрямок останнім часом є важливим і актуальним. Окрема увага приділена дослідниками еволюції покриттів в процесі експлуатації, що може бути цікавим з точки зору визначення «життєвого циклу» існування покриттів.


Лавріненко В.І., Солод В.Ю., Музичка Д.Г., Островерх Є.В. Перехід від пластично¬го режиму алмазного шліфування кераміки до плавлення та особливо¬сті плавлення інстру-ментальних керамік. Збірник наукових праць Дніпровського державного технічного університету (технічні науки) № 1 (42) 2023. С. 48–58.

Surfase modification of synthetic grinding powders diamond with heat-resistant oxides and chlorides liquid phase application method / V.Lavrinenko, V. Poltoratskiy, O. Bochechka, V. Solod, Ye. Ostroverkh, V. Fedorovich. Cutting&Tools in Technological System, 2022, Edition 97. P. 39–58.

Smokvyna V.V., Lavrinenko V.I., Ilnytska H.D. Defectiveness of low strength synthetic diamond grains: negative and positive aspects in case of using them in a grinding tool. Journal of Superhard Materials, 2023, Vol. 45, No. 4, P. 306–315.

Enhancement of oxidation resistance via titanium boron carbide coatings on diamond particles / Youhong Sun, Chi Zhang, Jinhao Wu, Qingnan Meng, Baochang Liu, Ke Gao, Linkai He. Diamond and Related Materials. Volume 92, February 2019, Р.74–80.

Effect of the modulation periods on the mechanical and tribological properties of cBN/NCD multilayer composite coating / Shuai Tian, Feng Xu, Zhenyu Ma, Qian Zhou, Yanchao Zhao, Zheng Li, Dong Wang, Guang Zeng, Dunwen Zuo. Diamond and Related Materials. Volume 132, February 2023, 109628.

Boris B. Bokhonov, Konstantin B. Gerasimov, Mikhail A. Mikhailenko Morphological features of synthetic diamond microcrystals subjected to oxidative etching. Diamond and Related Materials. Volume 136, June 2023, 109934.

Loops at carbon edges: Boron-assisted passivation and tunable surface properties of carbon nanofibers / Go Bong Choi, Jieun Park, Seungki Hong, Jueun Choi, Tae Hoon Seo, Hyungwoo Kim, Yoong Ahm Kim. Carbon. Volume 204, February 2023, P. 587–593.

In situ photoelectron spectroscopy for characterizing the chemical evolution of a carbon steel surface by heat-treatment / Youngseok Yu, Geonhwa Kim, Beomgyun Jeong, Ji-In Park, Hyun-Joon Shin, Kyong-Su Park, Jouhahn Lee, Ki-jeong Kim. Applied Surface Science. Volume 608, 15 January 2023, 155155.

Surface modification of 40Cr steel subjected to composite strengthening grinding process / Yunlong Yao, Shichao Xiu, Cong Sun, Yuan Hong, Zhuangzhuang Hou, Xiannan Zou. Materials Characterization. Volume 196, February 2023, 112590.

First-principles study of the microstructure evolution of the diamond (110) surface with the adsorption of Fe atoms / Hongchao Wang, Zhuji Jin, Xuehua Li, Tianxiang Wu, Xingchen Guo. Applied Surface Science. Volume 613, 15 March 2023, 156053.

Hongchao Wang, Zhuji Jin, Xuehua Li, Xingchen Guo. Exploring structural evolution and graphitization of the interface between tungsten and diamond (111) surface: A DFT study. Applied Surface Science. Volume 605, 15 December 2022, 154640.

Ming Lu, Dongdong Liu, Chuan Zhang, Fanghong Sun. DFT calculations and experiments of oxidation resistance research on B, N, and Si multi-doped diamond films. Applied Surface Science. Volume 612, 1 March 2023, 155865.

Fabrication of hydroxyl terminated diamond by high-voltage hydroxide ion treatments / F.N. Li, Y. Li, H.W. Bao, H.X. Wang, F. Ma. Applied Surface Science. Volume 622, 15 June 2023, 156909.

Assessment of self-lubricating coated cutting tools fabricated by laser additive manufacturing technology for friction-reduction / Youqiang Xing, Cheng Luo, Mingyu Zhu, Yanhua Zhao, Kornel Ehmann, Ze Wu, Lei Liu. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. Volume 318, September 2023, 118010.

A novel strategy for improving the wear resistance of electrodeposited Ni-diamond composite coatings by diamond surface morphology modification / Qiu Hong, Renchen Zhou, Xipeng Guo, Zhe Wang, Shaohui Yin. Diamond and Related Materials. Volume 137, August 2023, 110093.

Influences of early-stage C diffusion on growth microstructures in solid-state interface reaction between CVD diamond and sputtered Cr / Zhuo Liu, Wei Cheng, Dekui Mu, Yueqin Wu, Qiaoli Lin, Xipeng Xu, Han Huang. Materials Characterization. Volume 196, February 2023, 112603.

Microstructural, mechanical and tribological behavior of nanodiamonds reinforced plasma sprayed nickel-aluminum coating / Shubhendra Shivam Maurya, Krishna Kant Pandey, Swati Sharma, Sudha Kumari, Kamlesh Kumar Mirche, Deepak Kumar, Shailesh Mani Pandey, Anup Kumar Keshri. Diamond and Related Materials. Volume 133, March 2023, 109714.

AlN/diamond interface nanoengineering for reducing thermal boundary resistance by molecular dynamics simulations / Zijun Qi, Wei Shen, Rui Li, Xiang Sun, Lijie Li, Qijun Wang, Gai Wu, Kang Liang. Applied Surface Science. Volume 615, 1 April 2023, 156419.

Twist angle modulated electronic properties and band alignments of hydrogen-terminated diamond(111)/hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures / Boyu Wang, Jing Ning, Jincheng Zhang, Chi Zhang, Dong Wang, Yue Hao. Applied Surface Science. Volume 614, 30 March 2023, 156245.

Effect of bias-enhanced nucleation on the microstructure and thermal boundary resistance of GaN/SiNx/diamond multilayer composites / Yiming Wang, Bing Zhou, Guoliang Ma, Jiaqi Zhi, Chao Yuan, Hui Sun, Yong Ma, Jie Gao, Yongsheng Wang, Shengwang Yu. Materials Characterization. Volume 201, July 2023, 112985.

Structural changes in Ti1-xAlxN coatings during turning: A XANES and EXAFS study of worn tools / L. Rogström, M. Moreno, J.M. Andersson, M.P. Johansson-Jöesaar, M. Odén, K. Klementiev, L.-Å. Näslund, M. Magnuson. Applied Surface Science. Volume 612, 1 March 2023, 155907.

Tribological characterization of PVD TiSiN/AlCrN coating: A comprehensive study on thermal effect / Carlos B.G. Pereira, Qianxi He, Paulo Soares, Michelle S. Meruvia, Gelson Biscaia de Souza, Fred L. Amorim, Jose M. De Paiva, Stephen C. Veldhuis, Ricardo D. Torres. Materials Characterization. Volume 203, September 2023, 113135.

Zhaohe Gao, Justyna Kulczyk-Malecka, Peter Kelly, Ping Xiao. Effects of interfacial depletion on the degradation of SiAlN coating. Applied Surface Science. Volume 611, Part A, 15 February 2023, 155576.

Degradation of multi-layer CVD-coated cemented carbide in finish milling compacted graphite iron / Rebecka Lindvall, Juan Manuel Bello Bermejo, Belén Cámara Herrero, Sebastian Sirén, Lena Magnusson Åberg, Susanne Norgren, Rachid M'Saoubi, Volodymyr Bushlya, Jan-Eric Ståhl. Wear. Volume 522, 1 June 2023, 204724.

Lavrinenko, V.I., Solod, V.Yu., Muzuchka, D.G. & Ostroverkh, Ye.V. (2023) Perekhid vid plas-tuchnogo reszimu almaznogo shlifuvannia keramiku do plavlennia ta osobluvosti plavlennia in-srumentalnuch keramik [Transition from the plastic mode of diamond grinding of ceramics to melting and features of the melting of instrumental ceramics]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats` Dniprjvskogo derzhavnogo tekhnichnogo universytetu (tekhnichni nauky). Vypusk 1(42). P. 48–58. [In Ukranian].

Lavrinenko, V., Poltoratskiy, V., Bochechka, O., Solod, V., Ostroverkh, Ye. & Fedorovich, V. (2022) Surfase modification of synthetic grinding powders diamond with heat-resistant oxides and chlorides liquid phase application method. Cutting&Tools in Technological System, Edition 97. P. 39–58.

Smokvyna, V.V., Lavrinenko, V.I. & Ilnytska, H.D. (2023) Defectiveness of low strength synthetic diamond grains: negative and positive aspects in case of using them in a grinding tool. Journal of Superhard Materials, Vol. 45, No. 4, P. 306–315.

Youhong, Sun., Chi, Zhang., Jinhao, Wu., Qingnan, Meng., Baochang, Liu., Ke, Gao. & Linkai, He. (2019) Enhancement of oxidation resistance via titanium boron carbide coatings on diamond particles. Diamond and Related Materials. Volume 92, February, P. 74–80.

Shuai, Tian., Feng, Xu., Zhenyu, Ma., Qian, Zhou., Yanchao, Zhao., Zheng, Li., Dong, Wang., Guang, Zeng. & Dunwen Zuo. (2023) Effect of the modulation periods on the mechanical and tribological properties of cBN/NCD multilayer composite coating. Diamond and Related Materials. Volume 132, February, 109628.

Boris, B. Bokhonov., Konstantin, B. Gerasimov. & Mikhail A. Mikhailenko. (2023) Morphological features of synthetic diamond microcrystals subjected to oxidative etching. Diamond and Related Materials. Volume 136, June 2023, 109934.

Go Bong, Choi., Jieun, Park., Seungki, Hong., Jueun, Choi., Tae Hoon, Seo., Hyungwoo, Kim. & Yoong Ahm, Kim. (2023) Loops at carbon edges: Boron-assisted passivation and tunable surface properties of carbon nanofibers. Carbon. Volume 204, February. P. 587–593.

Youngseok, Yu., Geonhwa, Kim., Beomgyun, Jeong., Ji-In, Park., Hyun-Joon, Shin., Kyong-Su, Park., Jouhahn, Lee. & Ki-jeong, Kim. (2023) In situ photoelectron spectroscopy for characterizing the chemical evolution of a carbon steel surface by heat-treatment. Applied Surface Science. Volume 608, 15 January. 155155.

Yunlong, Yao., Shichao, Xiu., Cong, Sun., Yuan, Hong., Zhuangzhuang, Hou. & Xiannan, Zou. (2023) Surface modification of 40Cr steel subjected to composite strengthening grinding process. Materials Characterization. Volume 196, February. 112590.

Hongchao, Wang., Zhuji, Jin., Xuehua, Li., Tianxiang, Wu. & Xingchen, Guo. (2023) First-principles study of the microstructure evolution of the diamond (110) surface with the adsorption of Fe atoms. Applied Surface Science. Volume 613, 15 March. 156053.

Hongchao, Wang., Zhuji, Jin., Xuehua, Li. & Xingchen, Guo. (2022) Exploring structural evolution and graphitization of the interface between tungsten and diamond (111) surface: A DFT study. Applied Surface Science. Volume 605, 15 December. 154640.

Ming, Lu., Dongdong, Liu., Chuan, Zhang. & Fanghong, Sun. (2023) DFT calculations and experiments of oxidation resistance research on B, N, and Si multi-doped diamond films. Applied Surface Science. Volume 612, 1 March. 155865.

F.N. Li, Y. Li, H.W. Bao, H.X. Wang & F. Ma. (2023) Fabrication of hydroxyl terminated diamond by high-voltage hydroxide ion treatments. Applied Surface Science. Volume 622, 15 June. 156909.

Youqiang, Xing., Cheng, Luo., Mingyu, Zhu., Yanhua, Zhao., Kornel, Ehmann., Ze, Wu. & Lei, Liu. (2023) Assessment of self-lubricating coated cutting tools fabricated by laser additive manufacturing technology for friction-reduction. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. Volume 318, September. 118010.

Qiu, Hong., Renchen, Zhou., Xipeng, Guo., Zhe, Wang. & Shaohui Yin. (2023) A novel strategy for improving the wear resistance of electrodeposited Ni-diamond composite coatings by diamond surface morphology modification. Diamond and Related Materials. Volume 137, August. 110093.

Zhuo, Liu., Wei, Cheng., Dekui, Mu., Yueqin, Wu., Qiaoli, Lin., Xipeng, Xu. & Han, Huang. (2023) Influences of early-stage C diffusion on growth microstructures in solid-state interface reaction between CVD diamond and sputtered Cr. Materials Characterization. Volume 196, February. 112603.

Shubhendra Shivam, Maurya., Krishna Kant, Pandey., Swati, Sharma., Sudha, Kumari., Kamlesh Kumar, Mirche., Deepak, Kumar., Shailesh Mani, Pandey. & Anup Kumar, Keshri. (2023) Microstructural, mechanical and tribological behavior of nanodiamonds reinforced plasma sprayed nickel-aluminum coating. Diamond and Related Materials. Volume 133, March. 109714.

Zijun, Qi., Wei, Shen., Rui, Li., Xiang, Sun., Lijie, Li., Qijun, Wang., Gai, Wu. & Kang, Liang. (2023) AlN/diamond interface nanoengineering for reducing thermal boundary resistance by molecular dynamics simulations. Applied Surface Science. Volume 615, 1 April. 156419.

Boyu, Wang., Jing, Ning., Jincheng, Zhang., Chi, Zhang., Dong, Wang. & Yue, Hao. (2023) Twist angle modulated electronic properties and band alignments of hydrogen-terminated diamond(111)/hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures. Applied Surface Science. Volume 614, 30 March. 156245.

Yiming, Wang., Bing, Zhou., Guoliang, Ma., Jiaqi, Zhi., Chao, Yuan., Hui, Sun., Yong, Ma., Jie, Gao., Yongsheng, Wang. & Shengwang, Yu. (2023) Effect of bias-enhanced nucleation on the microstructure and thermal boundary resistance of GaN/SiNx/diamond multilayer composites. Materials Characterization. Volume 201, July. 112985.

L. Rogström, M. Moreno, J.M. Andersson, M.P. Johansson-Jöesaar, M. Odén, K. Klementiev, L.-Å. Näslund & M. Magnuson. (2023) Structural changes in Ti1-xAlxN coatings during turning: A XANES and EXAFS study of worn tools. Applied Surface Science. Volume 612, 1 March. 155907.

Carlos B.G. Pereira., Qianxi, He., Paulo, Soares., Michelle S. Meruvia., Gelson Biscaia de Souza., Fred L. Amorim., Jose M. De Paiva., Stephen C. Veldhuis. & Ricardo D. Torres. (2023) Tribological characterization of PVD TiSiN/AlCrN coating: A comprehensive study on thermal effect. Materials Characterization. Volume 203, September. 113135.

Zhaohe, Gao., Justyna, Kulczyk-Malecka., Peter, Kelly. & Ping Xiao. (2023) Effects of interfacial depletion on the degradation of SiAlN coating. Applied Surface Science. Volume 611, Part A, 15 February. 155576.

Rebecka, Lindvall., Juan Manuel Bell,o Bermejo., Belén Cámara, Herrero., Sebastian, Sirén., Lena Magnusson, Åberg., Susanne, Norgren., Rachid, M'Saoubi., Volodymyr, Bushlya. & Jan-Eric, Ståhl. (2023) Degradation of multi-layer CVD-coated cemented carbide in finish milling compacted graphite iron. Wear. Volume 522, 1 June. 204724.






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