DOI:Ключові слова:
electrostatic field, electromagnetic induction, oscillatory circuit, electromagnetic waveАнотація
The method of the competence approach in the study of some issues of electrodynamics and the key patterns of its applied nature of use is considered in the paper, not based on the mathematical formalism of the analysis of differential Maxwell equations. Proceeding from the many years of experience in teaching the theory of electromagnetic field at the technical university, it is highly recommended, in the authors' opinion, to apply didactic technology of visual representation and graphic modeling of the processes of formation of electrical oscillations in the LC- circuit, as well as the formation and propagation of electromagnetic waves in space.
A visual technique of the comparative characteristics of the electrostatic and vortex (induction) electric fields and the graphical interpretation of the causes of the electromotive force induction and self-induction origin are proposed. The presented variants of the visual mechanism of the formation of an electromagnetic wave as the propagation in the space of the process of mutual generation of alternating electric and magnetic fields. In the context of the competence teaching methodology, a variant of the complex task for independent consideration of the properties of electromagnetic waves is presented that stimulates students' ability to independently analyze the problem, formulate the problem, and solve it, on the basis of the independent use of informational tools and self-education as key components of the professional competence of the respective direction.
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