
  • I. K. Karimov Дніпровський державний технічний університет, м. Кам’янське, Україна



Ключові слова:

bachelor, mathematical training, competence, management and administration


According to the law ofUkraine"Оn higher education" Bachelors is conducted for educational-professional programs, which are developed by higher educational institutions.  The formation of the educational-professional programs accompanied by a redistribution of time studying those or other subjects, a certain accent radiates in the direction of strengthening professional training of specialists. Insufficient study of questions clarifying the content of fundamental disciplines (including math) with a decrease in allocated to their study time naturally leads to deterioration of the quality of training. Based on the analysis of the present status of higher education it is proposed to differentiate the mathematical training of specialists in management and economics, the educational levels of the bachelor and master of business administration.

Considered the concept of teaching the subject "Optimization methods and models. For prospective Bachelor specialty 07 "Management and administration" offers technological approach.  The theoretical part of the discipline is reduced to a reasonable minimum. The focus is transferred to the technology to solve specific problems. The main stages are: 1) the awareness of the problem; 2) create logical and/or mathematical models; 3) method of implementing the model using the appropriate software; 4) interpretation of the obtained results.

For future masters are encouraged to leave such questions: 1) the theoretical substantiation of methods; 2) an in-depth analysis of the intermediate and final results; 3) problem solving innovative character.

The use of the proposed approach in the learning process promotes better mastering of program material, raises motivation and interest in applying the methods of mathematical modeling. Detailing the content of the subject "Optimization methods and models” for specialties in 07 "Management and administration" needs further research.


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