https://doi.org/10.31319/2519-2884.32.2018.184Ключові слова:
higher mathematics, teaching with a shorter term, combined trainingАнотація
In this work the methodical features of the use of information and communication technologies during the course of higher mathematics students of technical specialties students who are studying at the shorter term of training are researched. The use of blended learning technology is proposed, which is to combine traditional face-to-face learning with computer-mediated activity. In the work, the following features of the methodology of the use of information and communication technologies, related to the specifics of learning in a shorter term are determined.
Part of the course is common to educational institutions of different levels. It is suggested to use the basic electronic notes for a concise repetition of the corresponding basic sections of higher mathematics. The contents of the notes are clearly consistent with the work programs of the two educational institutions. Electronic methodological materials should include examples of solving typical tasks. In the part of the examples, the explanation is opened step by step after the additional user command. The student is able to independently conduct each stage of the decision, checking with an electronic manual.
The new training materials are grouped into short themed blocks and contain an automatic links to reference materials. In each section some of tasks have a professional orientation. Students with shorter term training have additional professional knowledge. It simplifies the processing of tasks whose content is associated with other disciplines.
In knowledge control, a combination of test tasks with a computer rewrite of responses with open-ended tasks is required. The teacher checks the open-type task and carry out a short examine. The current student results for each of them are determined on a 100-point scale. This allows you to visually reflect the dynamics of the results of each particular student.
The paper also identifies certain disadvantages associated with the use of information technology in the learning process. These include, in particular, the considerable expenses of the teacher at the stage of development and testing of teaching materials and the need for a high level of self-control of students in the use of ICT.
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