
  • K. O. Levchuk Дніпровський державний технічний університет, м. Кам’янське, Україна



Ключові слова:

student, nutrition, health, diet, educational work


Human health depends on many factors, but the most significant are: the genotype of a person 20%, the state of the environment (living conditions) 20%, the level of development of the health care system 10% and lifestyle 50%. Thus, we can argue that the greatest influence on the health of a person is made by his lifestyle, one of the elements of which is nutrition. Rational nutrition is a nourishing quantitative and balanced quality food that provides normal growth, physical and psycho-physiological development of the organism, its high working capacity, active longevity and resistance to adverse natural, man-made and social factors of the environment. Scientists believe that the complete elimination of cardiovascular diseases would lead to increase in the life expectancy of a person for 10-12 years, oncological diseases – for 7-10 years and the balanced nutrition to extend to 4,5% healthy years of life.

The youth spends approximately 6-8 hours per day in the educational institution. High demands on the body of schoolchildren and students lead to a rapid rhythm of life, the modernization of the educational process and information overload. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore the fact that most of children who graduate school already have a variety of diseases that had been occurring during their education.

The author analyzed 53 educational institutions of the Dnipropetrovsk region and their hostels on the availability of any items for providing them with food. 185 young people were interviewed about their food habits and preferences in the city ofKamensky. As a result of this survey, it was found that in the majority of the population, especially young people, there is a disturbed diet, there are almost no first dishes in their menu, a lot of by-products and dry fast-food concentrates, sandwiches, potatoes, pasta, tea, coffee, increased amount of food intake and its volume. The young people prefer cheap products with low biological value. Besides they don’t eat enough meat, dairy, fish products, vegetables and fruits. The recommendation are made to eliminate the negative effects on the health of the young people in this article accept analysis and survey. In addition, the educational work carried out in the educational institutions of the Dnipropetrovsk region in relation to raising the level of the culture of health is analyzed.

The article also identifies the main competencies that promote health and skills which students should have: stress management, motor activity and hardening, organization of work and rest and rational nutrition.


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