https://doi.org/10.31319/2519-2884.32.2018.178Ключові слова:
biomineral fertilizer, enzyme, serum, waste, biogas, anaerobic digestionАнотація
The relevance of finding new methods for intensifying the process of obtaining biomineral fertilizers in the anaerobic digestion reactor has been pointed out. The efficiency and effectiveness of milk whey for intensifying the process of anaerobic digestion and improving the quality of biomineral fertilizers obtained from waste products have been suggested and experimentally confirmed. In studies for the production of biomineral fertilizers, the following wastes were used in conjunction with milk whey: phosphate containing precipitate after adsorption of phosphates from urban liquid wastes by a natural sunflower husk and condensed active sludge; cattle manure with addition of precipitates after coagulation of phosphate extraction; household waste (%: flour – 11, potatoes – 29, apples – 27 and beets – 33) with the addition of precipitates after the coagulation of phosphates; beet pulp. It was found that with an increase in the ratio of "serum: raw materials" in the substrate from 1:4 to 1:1, the content of mineral substances rises from 5,53 to 12,15%. It has been shown and experimentally proved for the first time that the addition of milk whey to raw material (beet pulp) at a ratio of 1: 1 allows shortening the time spent by the products of processing in the reactor for the production of biomineral fertilizers by 1,5-2,2 times. The highest content of nutrients (%: N – 5,2; P – 5,02; K – 10,1; Cа – 9,85) was found in biomineral fertilizer obtained from a phosphate containing precipitate after processing of urban liquid waste with a natural sunflower based adsorbent husk and sealed active sludge ferrum(III) chloride. The production tests of the obtained biomineral fertilizers in the technology of growing barley of the spring type «Stalker» and «Tsarevich» varieties are carried out.
It has been shown that biomineral fertilizers obtained from waste with the addition of milk whey correspond to the current standards ofUkraineon the content of macro- and micronutrients.
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